SATELLITE DISH OR TV AERIAL WHAT’S THE DIFFERENCE? Put simply and getting straight to the point, not much. Back in 2006 the BBC & ITV got together to launch a new free-to view TV broadcast platform- FREESAT. The reason for this new joint venture by the BBC &...
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Do loft fitted TV Aerials work as well as an outdoor fitted Aerial?
The case for the Loft Aerial Having been fitting TV Aerials now for many years, I can say that in most cases, a Loft Aerial can work just as well as a roof mounted TV Aerial, and is in my opinion, its often the better choice, let me explain. If you live on a new...
Expected Lifespan of the Aerial of a TV
What is the Lifespan of a TV Aerial? Perhaps, you want are planning to install a TV aerial or you recently installed one, you will of course wonder how long your aerial would last before a new one will be needed. There are a lot of factors that determine the lifespan...